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Questions and answers

Questions and answers 

Outsmart your opponents in fantasy sports!


How does goalkeeper selection affect fantasy football?

The goalkeeper can be a big contributor to saves and clean sheets, so his selection is an important part of the strategy.

Can you make money in fantasy football?

Cash prizes are possible on some platforms, but this depends on the rules and conditions of the specific league.

What is a “fantasy league” in fantasy football?

A fantasy league is a group of players who compete against each other to form teams and score points during the season.

How to use player statistics in fantasy football?

Use statistics to analyze players’ performance, their current form, and predictions for future matches.

How often should you update your fantasy football team?

It is recommended to update your team after each round to adapt the lineup to changes such as injuries or suspensions.

What sports can you choose in fantasy sports?

In fantasy sports you can play not only football, but also basketball, American football, hockey, baseball and other sports.

How to win in fantasy football?

To win, you need to carefully analyze the players, monitor their condition and use transfers and strategy as effectively as possible throughout the season.

Disclaimer 18+ 

Fantasy sports gives everyone a chance to participate in football tournaments – all you need is a smartphone or tablet. Beginners should not worry: the rules are simple and easy to learn. Play anytime and anywhere, enjoying complete freedom of action and an exciting process!  All rights reserved Gamepulson,, +43 1 318 5201, Grinzinger Str. 112, 1190 Vienna, Austria